Motorcycle laws differ, sometimes drastically, in each of the 50 states. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that not abiding by the regulations set fourth by the Department of Transportation for that state can lead to a ticket, or even a suspension of your motorcycle license. Florida is no exception, of course if you do receive a ticket, It is best to contact an attorney experienced in motorcycle law (for more information click here). If you have ever wondered what the law regarding your bike and riding are, here is a brief list of some of the regulations regarding you and your bike in the state of Florida.

  • Helmet: A helmet is NOT required for riders over 21 years of age with an Insurance policy exceeding $10,000.
  • Handlebars: The handlebars may not exceed 15 inches in height above the seat.
  • Headlights: Headlights must be turned on at all times, day and night.
  • Eye Protection: Required by law in the form of glasses, goggles, or a helmet with visor.
  • Passenger Seat: Required if carrying a passenger
  • Passenger Footrest: Required if carrying a passenger
  • Mirrors: DOT regulation requires only one (either left or right).
  • Turn Signals: Required
  • Muffler: Cannot be modified such that it emits noise in excess of when it was manufactured
  • Lane Splitting: A rider may not ride between lanes of traffic
  • Speeding: Speeding in excess of 50mph can result in the seizure of your bike, and a possible 10-year suspension of your motorcycle license.

Remember, motorcycle laws can differ drastically between states, so if you plan on riding a distance that involves travel out of state, you should spend some time learning the rules in those states. For an interactive quick guide of motorcycle laws by state visit the American Motorcyclist Association webpage: